- A constrained motion is a motion which can not proceed arbitrary in any manner.
- Particle motion can be restricted to occur (1) along some specified path (2) on surface (plane or curved) arbitrarily oriented in space.
- Imposing constraints on a mechanical system is done to simplify the mathematical description of the system.
- Constraints expressed in the form of equation f(x1,y1,z1,......,xn,yn,zn :t)=0 are called holonomic constraints.
- Constraints not expressed in this fashion are called non-holonomic constraints.
- Scleronomic conatraints are independent of time.
- Constraints containing time explicitely are called rehonomic.
- Therefore a constraint is either
and either
"holonomic where constraints relations can be made independent of velocity or non-holonomic where these relations are irreducible functions of velocity"
Constraints types of some physicsl systems are given below in the table