All substances possess magnetic properties and most general definition of
magnetism defines it as a particular form of interactions originating between
moving electrically charged particles.
Magnetic interaction relates spatially separate material objects and it is
transmitted by means of magnetic field about which we have already studied .This
magnetic field is important characteristics of EM form of matter.
We already know that source of magnetic field is a moving electric charge
i.e. an electric current. On atomic scale, there are two types of macroscopic
current associated with electrons.
a) Orbital current is which
electron in an atom moves about the nucleus in closed paths constituting
electric currents loops
b) Spin currents related to the internal
degrees of freedom of the motion of electrons and this can only be understood
through quantum mechanics.
Like electrons in an atom, atomic nucleus may also have magnetic properties
like magnetic moment but it is fairly smaller then that of electrons.
Magnetic moment m is nothing but the quantitative measure of the
magnetism of a particle.
For an elementary closed loop with a current i in it, the magnitude
|m| of a magnetic moment vector equals the current times the loop area S
|m|=iS and direction of m can be determined using right
hand rule.
All micro structural elements of matter electrons, protons and neutrons are
elementary carriers of magnetic moment and combination of these can be principle
sources of magnetism
Thus magnetic properties are inherent to all the substances i.e. they are
all magnets
An external magnetic field has an influence on these atomic orbital and spin
currents and two basic effects of an external field are observed
i) First is diamagnetic effect which is consequences of
faraday's law of induction. According to the Lenz law’s, a magnetic field always
sets up an induced current with its magnetic field direction opposite to an
initial field .Therefore diamagnetic moment created by the external field is
always negative related to this field
ii) Second effect occurs if
there is a resultant non zero magnetic moment in the atom i.e. there is a spin
magnetic moment and orbital magnetic moment .In this case external field will
attempt to orient the intrinsic atomic magnetic moment in its own direction .As
a result a positive moment parallel to the field is created and this is called
paramagnetic moment.
Because of the universality of the diamagnetic effect, all substances
possess diamagnetic.
However, diamagnetism is by no means actually observed in all matter. This
is because in many instances the diamagnetic effect is masked by the more
powerful paramagnetic effect.
Thus in paramagnetic substances we actually always observe a difference
effect produced by the prominent Para magnetism and weaker diamagnetism.